Relocation can be on the same site in a different room or a new location altogether. Our mechanics are in house employees who are trained, licensed, and insured. We can also store your pool table or game tables in our workshop and warehouse where it will safely be looked after by Billiards professionals. ( pool table service - pool table movers )
We offer standard, Tournament, Waterproof and Custom Logo on the cloth options. Our mechanics are in house employees who are trained, licensed, and insured. All our services are 100% warrantied for customer satisfaction. ( pool table repair )
REPAIRS - We have everything you can possibly need. Our team of technicians are experts at repairing any type of pool tables, regardless or manufacturer or brand.
REFINISH - We offers highly professional re-finishing restorations. Our finishes are hand rubbed, and our finishing department can offer custom, or cross-matched wood stained colors. ( pool table repair )
Don’t let ordinary furniture movers break apart your pool table; as they do not have the knowledge and will treat your table as if it was any ordinary table. It is not worth to risk your money and your pool tables ( pool table movers )
An unleveled table affects the level of gameplay and the roll of the ball and can lead to frustration. Not to worry we offer a solution to level your pool table exactly perfect. We’ll leave you with a perfectly flat surface for smooth gameplay. ( pool table service )
POCKETS - We replace your pockets . If your pool table or antique pool table pockets needs restoration or replacement, kindly reach out to our workshop team.
BUMPERS – Lost your bounce? Do not worry, We can go to your home an replace the old bumpers for new ones ( pool table repair )
Movies, Television, Pop-Up Stores, Commercials, Parties or Special Events? We have a great filled with pool tables and game tables for your needs, with full installation and removal services. Rentals are typically done by daily to monthly billing periods, but please review with us internally so we can discuss your needs, dates, and available tables.
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The promotion expires at the end of January 2025